Where to watch the race start

Everything you need to know to watch the race start.

Red Bull X Alps 2023 Prolog c zooom Christian Lorenz 1

The start of the Red Bull X-Alps is always exciting to witness in person as the athletes set off on the 12 day adventure race. Here's everything you need to know on catching the action in person. The race starts at the School Park, Schulgasse 2, Kitzbühel at 11:30am. The race begins with the athletes making a clockwise loop around the town center before they head up to Turnpoint 1, the Hahnenkamm. See the map below:



Red Bull X Alps 2023 Location plan KB

If you want to watch the action on top of the Hahnenkamm, it's a five minute walk to the cable car station – see the map – and it's then a 15 minute ride to the top. The first athletes will arrive in about 45 minutes, possibly sooner, so don't leave it too late.

From there, head over to Live Tracking to follow the rest of the race.

Top image © zooom / Christian Lorenz

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